Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's Super Bowl Sunday/Monday Over Here

February 7, 2010 Beautiful Super Bowl Sunday
Grizzly and Cobra

Today’s weather was beautiful and sunny! It was a nice change from our past two rainy days. Again we FOB hopped, to Grizzly and Cobra. Both of these places are very secluded and small. Grizzly did not have many soldiers present because they were all on a mission rebuilding a school in town. The captain showed me the pictures and it was awesome to see the difference we are making. Our soldiers are doing good things out here. After a few quick autographs and pictures they showed us their Strikers, really big machines they take on their missions.
However Grizzly was out done when we arrived to Cobra and they had the Strikers at the landing pad to pick us up and we rode the Strikers to the DFAC! The soldiers seem to enjoy showing us what they do. It’s not often they have a chance to show off to women what it is they do on a daily basis. It’s neat because they are like little boys showing off their favorite toys! One of the girls noticed a bunch of soccer balls on top of one of the strikers and asked why they had soccer balls. The soldier told us it was because when they drive to the cities and see kids they will stop and get out to play with them. This is a way the soldiers try to communicate to the kids that they are here to help. When we were at McHenry two days ago we received beanies from
them that read ‘I Love Iraq’ in Arabic. Sergeant Major Blakey explained that they had those made to give to kids and locals they meet in town, again to help them understand that we are here to help.

We did a performance for the soldiers at Cobra in their DFAC. There was no place for us to take off our cover up so we packed into a 4ft x 6ft bathroom and then came out of the kitchen of the DFAC when we were announced! It was great!! (see pic)

I took some pics from the helicopter today. There is actually a lot of farm land out here amongst the desert areas. Everywhere we have been has still been really dusty but its greener and even bluer than I had imagined. (pic to the right). So far we have had a different flight crew each day. All of them are special in their own way and so nice! Today’s crew was pretty funny. One of them had my camera and decided to have a photo shoot of themselves while waiting for the performance… hilarious, whatever makes them smile I guess. I sit on headset with them, partially because I hate wearing ear plugs, but also because I like to ask questions about all the interesting things I see below. Today (and two days ago) we flew over Sadaam Hussein’s home town where he was buried. We could see one of his many castles, right on the river. This is also the area in which he was captured.

We just got back from doing our 1:00am pre-game Super Bowl show at another DFAC but this one was BIG and there were probably close to 200 soldiers there! It was tons of fun. The had a 'pep band' of soldiers that were New Orleans music and handing out beads as we walked in. Some how they got cleared for each soldier to have two beers for the game too. I will post pics from this later... it's now 4:17am and I don't feel like loading new pics! We get back to our area to find out that sound is out on the entire base. There are about 6+ TVs in the area we are in but not one of them has volume. So I’m sitting at a computer watching live score updates and trying to find a way to watch it with volume online.

About to fall asleep at the computer desk. Hope you all enjoyed your Super Bowl Sunday. Good night... or should I say good morning!

Love- Meg

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